It was a noisy trip home, but that didn't prevent the baby from falling asleep and the big girls were about to burst with excitement until they could open the big box. They kept sticking their fingers in the holes trying to pet the babies.
I had food, water, and bedding ready, so they went in their new bin immediately. Or at least after the girls got to hold each and every one of them!
Since it's been so warm, I haven't needed to use a heat lamp. I did notice them huddled together sleeping, so I put a blanket over the bin to keep the heat in (and the cat out!). Keeping the kids out is a whole other issue...every time it gets quiet in the house, I go to the chicken bin and there are 3 little girls perched there, petting them.
I ordered 25: 10 will be broilers and the rest will be egg-layers to replace our layers we have now, since they are starting to drop off in production. I ordered Delawares, Rhode Island Reds and Araucana's (the Easter-egg chicken).
Right now we have Buff Orpingtons,
one White Brahma and a White-crested Black Polish rooster named appropriately "Funky Brooster".
By the time the new ones start to lay (in about 5 months) the current layers will only lay sporadically. One of the disadvantages of letting them free-range is that we seem lose a few to the hawks and coyotes, so it works for us to always keep fresh chicks coming in.
We received our free 'mystery chick' too, guess we'll have to wait until it grows up to identify what breed it is.
Kids and chicks....nothing funner (is that a word?) I mean it! I loved those days with my girls....enjoy it! Blessings from Wisconsin!