Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Last year I decided to make and keep some New Year's Resolutions.  I'm proud to say that I did!

I wanted to reflect on what I have accomplished in the last year.  Sometimes it feels as if the time goes by so fast, we hardly remember what we did.
1. Learned beekeeping
2. Learned to bellydance
3. Learned to milk a goat
4. Made goat milk cheese
5. Made goat milk soap
6. butchered our own meat (both beef and chicken)
7. learned to can pickles
8. learned to can tomatoes (in all different variations!)
9. stepped out of my comfort zone and volunteered for Ron Paul's political campaign as a county coordinator, which includes (gulp) public speaking and recruiting volunteers
10. taught my older kids how to play piano
11. Started writing this blog
12. Lost weight and reached my goal
13. took a picture every day for my 365project:
14. adopted a steer to raise for beef
15. raised our own produce
16. homeschooled the kids

Now to decide how to better myself in 2012!
Happy New Year!!!


  1. Wow, I'm so impressed with your resolutions and accomplishments. Ron Paul has many supporters in my "neck of the woods." My nephew has LOVED him for years! Blessings from Wisconsin.

  2. Great job on your goals! Beekeeping and Putting up pickles were firsts for me last year as well.
